Our Vision

People with disabilities are: Working in the employment of their choice; Expanding experiences and opportunities; Productive community members; Discovering and living their dreams.

Our Values


  • Maintaining Professional Ethics at all times through open, honest and thoughtful communication and conduct
  • Showing Respect in our relationships with co-workers, service recipients, business partners, fellow providers, and the greater community
  • Fostering Teamwork that creates a positive experience for people receiving services
  • Building and supporting a culture of Trust through our words and actions
  • Providing a Safe and Enjoyable work environment for everyone

Brief History

Embark has changed and evolved through the years, but the organization’s mission which drives us has remained the same and it states – Supporting individuals as they discover their dreams through meaningful employment and community engagement.  


Due to all the changes in 2020 it was decided to rebrand and become Embark Supported Employment and our tag line says it all…Work. With a Purpose.

With all the changes we made during 2020,the Board and Management felt that what better time to rebrand.  The name Embark Supported Employment was chosen because our participants are embarking on a journey and as our mission statement says, we are “supporting individuals as they discover their dreams through meaningful employment and community engagement.”  The leaf symbolizes participants in the program falling away from the tree and beginning their own journey to find competitive community integrated employment.  Our job here is to support them on this journey and ensure that each individual has the needed skills and abilities to be successful.  Our tag line says it all….Work. With A Purpose.


We became a brand-new organization through: Weathering a pandemic which brought about many changes. We brought on a new administrative team and restructured our service offerings. We discontinued our 14c commensurate wage program and replaced it with Community Prevocational Program. The program is to provide insight and exposure to several types of businesses to give participants an idea of the types of jobs available in the working world.

In 2020 Ashby Rawstern became Executive Director and during her tenure we weathered a once in a lifetime pandemic and brought about significant changes to the organization. This included the discontinuation of our 14c commensurate wage program (piece work), creation and implementation of Community Prevocational Programming, enhancing enclave offerings, excelled at DVR services, brought on a new management team, reassigned board roles, and made new partnerships to improve our service offerings.But rest assured, our core beliefs haven’t changed. Our unwavering commitment to our values, our participants, and our core philosophy remains the same.


Celebrated our 50th anniversary providing support and skills to individuals with disabilities.


We outgrew our old location and decided to build a new location at 2320 Hill Ave.  Services were moved to the new location in 1991.  We continued to grow our enclave services and offerings for the people we served.


Started moving towards community integration with the creation of several contracts with local businesses to have small groups enter area businesses to gain work skills (enclaves).  We also obtained a contract with DOT and RFW to care for the local rest area, weigh station, and several seasonal waysides.


The name was changed to Superior Vocations Center Inc.


Superior Sheltered Industries was created out of a community need.  Parents of children with disabilities had concerns because there was nowhere for someone with a disability to go after graduating high school.  The building was located at 431 Tower Ave in Superior, WI.