Our mission

Supporting Individuals as they discover their dreams through meaningful employment and community engagement.

Eligibility for Services

To be able to receive services from Embark, you must:

  • Be at least 14 years old; if you are under the age of 18 you must have a work permit if earning wages.
  • Not be harmful to yourself or others or need more care or services than Embark can provide for you.
  • Be referred by an agency, which has a service agreement with SVC or has made an agreement to private pay for your services.
  • Have updated information about yourself, such as a report from your doctor or other professional that shows if you have a disability and what type of disability you have.
  • Need and want Embark’s services

How to Get Referred

  • Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC)
    -You will need a functional Screen to see if you qualify for our services.  This is a great place to start the process!
  • Managed Care Organization
    Family Care (Inclusa and My Choice): If you are an active member of the Family Care long term care program and are looking for employment services talk with your Community Resource Coordinator for more information.
    IRIS (TMG and Connections): If you are actively participating in the IRIS long term care program speak with your IRIS consultant for more information.
  • Department of Vocational Rehabilitation
    -After completing the intake process and assessing what is needed, you may choose Embark to be your service provider
  • Self-Pay
    -Though rare, we can provide self-pay services

Getting Started with Embark

Orientation and Getting Started at Embark

A referral meeting and tour will be set up with you and your team to discuss programming services, vocational expectations, medical or physical concerns and transportation.

  • You will be assigned a case manager who will help to get you started on setting your goals and work assignments.
  • You will meet with your team to discuss your work goals and objectives.
  • You will learn about your rights and responsibilities.
  • You will spend the first few days at Embark just getting to know and understand services and expectations.
  • Staff will observe and evaluate how you learn, perform tasks and interact with others.
  • Staff will assist in comprehending individual skills and where you need assistance.

Individual Program Plan

It is the policy of Embark that all eligible persons are informed of their right to engage in Person-Centered Planning at any time. All individuals who receive services shall have a plan outlining the individual outcomes to be achieved through various means of support and/or services. The process by which a plan is developed shall be done in a way that is person centered.

At least twice a year, you, along with your support team and Embark staff will meet to talk about your progress. This meeting would be a semi-annual review or an annual review. You will meet with your Embark case manager 1:1 once (1) a month and at six (6) months reviews to:

  • -Go over your progress.
  • -Set new goals.
  • -Talk about any questions or concerns you may have.
  • -Add or remove goals from your Person-Centered Plan.


REMEMBER: The goal is to help you become as independent as possible to achieve successful community integration.